Sunday, December 1, 2013

December Social

Can you believe it's already December?!  It's finally my birthday month - yay! Not to brag, but it's 80 degrees here today! It is actually kinda weird. 
1. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate Cookie Dough, Bunny Tracks, or Cookies and Cream. I love them all.
2. What is your favorite smell? Watermelon Patch by Scentsy. Otherwise I like anything sweet or like a vanilla smell.
3. What is your favorite TV commercial? 

I laugh every time!!

4. What is your favorite day of the week? Hmm...I would have to say Saturday now. I have been doing yoga on the beach and it gives me something to look forward too. 
5. What is your favorite way to waste time? Online shopping or reading blogs.
6. What is your favorite article of clothing? My boots from Payless. Perfect for fall. 

Sunday Social


  1. Yoga on the beach sounds sooo relaxing! We have the same favorite day of the week. :) Dropping by from the Sunday Social.

  2. Oh my gosh I've never seen that Kmart commercial before but I laughed so hard I almost woke up my daughter in the next room! SO FUNNY!

    - Lauren @

  3. OK now I want icecream... haha! Have a great week girl!
