Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend Recap

Hi all!! Hope you are having a fabulous Monday!! No clinicals or class today so I am just having a chill Monday ;).

This weekend I cleaned out my closet a little bit and got rid of quite a few things!!

Around 30 shirts here.

I got rid of around 40 shirts. That is a BIG deal for me. I like to keep things around "just in case" I will wear them again. I learned this trick to turn the hangers around and after a period of time to get rid of them. I finally went through and made myself give them away. That means I can go shopping to get more though!! ;)

We had awful weather this weekend. It started raining on Friday night and rained until Saturday night when it started snowing. It finally stopped snowing late last night. I didn't think it was ever going to stop. We got around 9 inches. ICK. You will learn how much I hate snow.

I am dying to get out of my house!!!!!! (Besides going to work)

These two pictures were my view to and from work. Total white-out. I know I shouldn't be taking pictures and driving but I just had to capture the moment haha.

My dad and brother were gone so I decided I would snow blow the driveway off. I had to use this monster of a thing. Which is probably double my body weight. It was hard and I doubt you will see me doing it often ever again. Add that to the list of things I hate about snow. Check.
I only got about half of my driveway done before I couldn't feel my hands, feet, face, whole body. So I went inside. It was enough to fit my car in.

I definitely need to make it a goal not to text, use facebook, keek, instagram, e-mail, and/or twitter while driving. I get so bored during my hour drive to school, that it's so hard not too.

My neighbors house. Once the drift fell, she was literally snowed in.
In other news:

I worked Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at both jobs so it was a pretty busy weekend. I need another job so I can wear my cute clothes too since I never have anywhere to wear them! haha Not really though.

I went out with a couple of ladies from work on Friday night and the local bar was filled with creeps!! Shady people haha One guy came up and asked why I was at a bar if I was only 14? Well for one, if he thought I was 14, why was he hitting on me?! and two...well I think the rest is obvious haha.

I found out my dad was following me on Twitter. Twitter never told me that! #twitterfail. So I blocked him, does that make me a bad daughter?  I didn't block him because I write bad things or do a lot of things they don't approve of (I do).  I just like to have my own little "world" away from my family. I am the black sheep in my family yet I am an angel compared to my friends baha.

Thanks for reading! xoxo

Linking up with these ladies: Sami at Sami's Shenanigans and Leann at

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