Wednesday, October 8, 2014

5am Wake Up Call

Yesterday morning, I woke up to a loud banging on my door. I was instantly a little nervous when I saw it was only 5 am.
I tiptoed to the door and looked out the peephole. A security guard? No, that's the police. What the heck are the police doing here? Did I do something bad recently? Hmm....can't remember anything.

I opened the door and being half asleep, I don't think I even said hello or anything. I just kept looking at them. 

They showed me this crazy lady's picture because she is a wanted person and I guess they thought the butt crack of dawn would be a good time to look for her.

She apparently lived in my apartment- now I want to scrub everything and possibly hide. I really wanted to ask why they had to come that early though. {Insert grumpy emoji} 

I went back to bed and snap chatted all my friends/family telling them that I was just questioned. Everyone thought bad things so I made up stories to go along with their crazy ideas. So gullible, I tell ya. 

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