Saturday, August 24, 2013

A {Secret} Tip

I just signed up for a Victoria's Secret credit card....I smell trouble!

whoop whoop

Everytime you check out at VS, you should give them your e-mail address! Sometimes if they ask for your home address, give it to them! I know that sounds a little scary but you get AWESOME coupons in the mail! I just got 2 free pairs of cute undies this week from the coupons. That is $20 worth of undies! Foooo freeeeee.

I love me some VS. I am weird and only buy VS bras and undies but I hate paying 55 dolla bills for a bra and 15 dolla bills for undies! So I love the coupons!!

My [scary] yay face!

So check out the sales and coupons to save yourself some dolla dolla bills, yo!

*In honor of douchey-mcdoucher that messaged me this week after 2 months of nada, zip, zilch, nothing..

Happy Saturday! Don't let the douchers in your life ruin it :)


  1. Douchie Douche Douche McDoucherson is gonna have a little regret and his Douchemeter is registering it. Don't let 'im bring ya down, yo!!!! Love yuuuuuuss!

  2. PS- if you wanna make a drive to me- you can totes still go to Ft Wayne with me Sept 28th to meet the ladies- holly skinnym and mama. A friend from work is going to- it would be fuuuuuun!!
